Monday, March 18, 2013

Working my way around it

So, it's obviously been a long time since my last post. I did warn that I'm not any good at this. The only reason I'm here today is I'm at work and they have nothing for me to do. So, while sitting around twiddling my thumbs I thought "I'll go write a blog post." Yeah, so here I am.
Nothing terribly exciting has happened recently. I turned 27. We spent Thanksgiving in AZ for a family reunion, which was really nice. The trade off for that was I had to spend Christmas and New Year's alone this year. It was interesting, but I had Maranda and her mom, so it wasn't all bad. I had a date this past Saturday night that resulted in many firsts for me. It was pleasant, but the guy is still held up on his ex, so I'm waiting patiently, not expecting anything. I have found that a lot recently, I distance myself emotionally - it makes it easier to deal with the disappointment that usually results from such encounters. Oh well.
So that's pretty much it. I'm still working at UTA. I did just get hired as an LPI (kind of like a jr. trainer) so I'll get paid more for that and it looks good on the resume. I've been working with the planning department a lot more lately, which is also nice and puts more good things on my shoulders. Other drivers take different looks on it though - I hate being called a brown noser - probably due to all the years growing up that my brothers would tease me about that - so when the drivers do it it really irks me. But thankfully I'm getting older and more mature to where I know they are just jealous of my drive and success. But nothing new elsewise I think... I have a trip planned to go home in May for Aaron's graduation. That'll be fun!
All in all, I'm kind of just coasting along. Progression has kind of stalled for me. Sad, but true. Dad wants me to go back to school. Yeah, I'd like that too. It's just so hard to think about. Sigh.