Monday, September 12, 2011


Time to play a little bit of catch-up.
Let's see, I worked a lot this summer, especially right before school started up again, but now I'm trying to figure out how to get 40 hours a week. I love being a trainer, but hate that no one respects the position. Church is going well - ish. I'm still the Relief Society president and my counselors are FINALLY both back in town and able to get down to business again. We've instituted the Grub Club - whose first meeting is this week (Ice cream @ Marble Slab Creamery.) Hope it goes well. I'm no longer "officially" on the Institute council. Scott moved back home to Washington to work for Boeing (sad, but good for him.) Joe & Sarah have moved to Utah so Joe can attend the University of Utah for law school, and Sarah's pregnant! (Baby is due sometime in March!) Aaron is back up at K-State for school and working as a ticket-taker/usher at the stadium. Michael still works @ Wally World and Jacob works at Applebee's up in Park City.
I officially decided that I'm going to move to Utah. I'm saving $25 from each paycheck and putting it away for my moving funds. I can live with Joe & Sarah temporarily until I find a roommate & job, which hopefully won't take too long. I really think this is the right thing to do.
I guess nothing else is new much. Still just trying to keep my head above water by will alone.

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