Sunday, July 22, 2012

Staying Put

Today was a very good day - so far at least!
I was able to wake up after a good night of sleep. I got ready for church and wore one of my pretty dresses & high heels :) I was able to set up the chapel and the talks on the Armor of God were amazing! Gotta love a talk that references LOTR :P (Thanks Jeremy!) Sunday school was great! We talked about faith being a little seed and how we let it grow!
S well
E nlarge
E nlighten
D elicious
Great acronym right? I absolutely love our Sunday School teacher Jason Jacobs because he is so very enthusiastic and prepared! He even showed us a map today of the proposed areas of the Book of Mormon and it's all in the tail of Mexico! That is so exciting to think of it that way!! It was a really really good lesson.
Relief Society was good as well - we had a lesson on Elder Uchtdorf's talk "The Merciful Shall Obtain Mercy" - which is about not being critical of others and forgiving others - including ourselves. Great lesson.
We had a mingle with ham & cheese sliders- very tasty! And I'm currently working on cookies for Ward prayer tonight. My first batch just came out of the oven, burned :( So I'm going to lower the temp and time and watch them a bit more carefully :)
Making shepherd's pie for dinner with Joe& Sarah tonight :)

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