Sunday, October 21, 2012

Just an Update...

Because I'm so wonderfully horrific at updating my blog.

I moved into a basement apartment with a girl from church named Valery Pozo. She's really sweet, smart, and loves to bake. I still work at UTA and I'm beginning to feel a bit burnt out on it. I am now a Visiting Teaching Coordinator for church and it has been a slow process getting everyone's VT assigned and accounted for. I still miss my family a lot and there are days when I just feel so very alone. I have made a friend in Utah. Her name is Maranda and I met her on ldschat. Ashley Gardner wants me to move back to KS and live with her, but I am just not feeling that there is anything in KS besides my family, and like I told her, my life has to be about something other than my family. I can't rely on them to make it happy. Lately I've been struggling really hard to have good days. The littlest things (traffic, bad drivers, work schedules, customers, parking tickets..ect) just set me off and I get really angry/moody and my whole day just goes black. I told this to mom last night when she called (which is super rare, mom never "just calls") and she was surprised at how sad I was in general. Kept telling me to ignore those things which upset me and be positive. Yeah, it's the same advice I give myself when I want to calm down. I'm currently attempting to save money for the trip to Arizona over Thanksgiving for the Favre Family Reunion that's going on then. I'm excited about it, but it seems as if obstacles are just popping up everywhere, like these parking tickets :( They siphoned away all the money I was going to put away from this paycheck. Oh well. I finally cleaned my room again and I do love having a clean room. It just makes me feel less like I'm living in a hole and therefore it's okay to be sad and depressed all the time. My car is almost clean. I've just been eating breakfast recently & need to throw those bags away. I'll have to do that today before church to give Valery a ride.  I don't really know what else to say. My life just hasn't changed all that much except that I'm becoming a more angry person. I kind of feel like I'm morphing into my dad- during his earlier years- and can be set off on the littlest things. It scares me and I don't like it. So I'm working on it. Well, That's pretty much it though. Dinner tonight at Joe & Sarah's as usual. I'm making cookies.

1 comment:

  1. Is it possible to find a job in a more fulfilling field? Is there a hobby that you would like to pick up and cultivate? I really hope you can find more to be joyful about, or at least find some good meds to take the edge off the depression (I mean that from the most sincere place). AND I really hope you are able to come down at Thanksgiving. We will have a birthday celebration, for sure.
