Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Missionary Minded

Is it horrible that I like Elder Riley? I know I' m just doing the same thing I do with every other guy, I over analyze. I think too much about every little that they is done/said and I obsess. Frick! But he is SO nice and cute and he sings well!! Dang! I just wish I knew. Cannot ask him because he is a missionary and because that would be super embarrassing. Is it so wrong to have that wishful thought that he'll come back once his mission is over? LOL - duh! I'm being silly about it, but I like being silly about guys, as long as it doesn't end up hurting my feelings in the end. Usually, I come to terms with how it really is and just kind of stop caring so much about them, like Jesse for instance. Had that discussion with him, told him how much I like him, but got turned down cold. That was awesome :( LOL! Oh well, still love to poke at him, but hopes secretly that he misses me liking him, which I don't think he does, but I can hope.

Things aren't horrible otherwise. I just need to find a way to stay emotionally balanced. Neither job is going super great right now. T-Mobile is just a dementor and sucks all the joy/happiness/warmth out of my life whenever it comes to getting feedback - I don't always feel that way about my customers; some, not all though. I really hope things pick up at Anmark. As crazy as Drew is and as unstable as the job is, I would still rather work there than at T-Mobile. I'm super excited to have these next 3 days off work! Hooray for friends getting married!! I'm hoping that Ashley doesn't become a brooding bridezilla when she finally realizes, oh right, I do care about what my reception is like. Sigh, only time will tell. I'll love her anyway, but the apathy up until the point of no return is a little wearing.

He cooked me eggs :) I wish I wasn't like this, but it's so fun to be.

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