Thursday, November 19, 2009

Today Is My Birthday

Today is my birthday. I am 24 years old. Wiser, maybe. Older, when defined in years, yes. Oh well :)
I have no regrets on birthdays as I said before. They're just a day. Joseph said he would get me a toaster! (I've been craving toast lately, so BEST GIFT EVER if he remembers!
I do not have a new year's resolution to start on the start of a new calendar year, but a new birthday year. By this time next year I want to be worthy to start the process to receive my endowments. President Armstrong said he usually prefers people be 25 or have reached certain stepping stones in their lives.
How? Lots of hard work and dedication. I need to constantly remind myself what my goal is and I will obtain it. I want this.
*Daily scripture reading - no matter how short a time, even if it is just a verse, began and ended with a prayer.
*Daily prayers - sincere prayer morning and night.
*Obedience to the Word of Wisdom - this means exercise! I think my poison of choice will be walking the dog. Also, no "soft drinks" unless I'm out at dinner with someone (not family!)
*Chastity - I will refrain from listening to songs with vulgar lyrics or shows that contain subject matter that turn my brain back to those images and memories that I have yet to sponge away. I remain chaste and resist any and all temptations to stray from the law of chastity.
*Tithing - I WILL pay an honest tithe each and every paycheck. I have a testimony of it, I was just being stupid when I thought I would not meet end's meet without that money to spend. Peanut butter & Jelly are good enough!

I'm sure there is more I need, but I will revise later if need be. I need a way to stay the course. I believe if I continue to pray and ask each day for the strength to continue on this path I will do it! I will form good habits from these exercises and in a year's time they will be commonplace (as I wish they were years ago.)

Anyway - Happy Birthday to Me!!!

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