Sunday, November 1, 2009

First Sunday of November :)

Tonight President Uchtdorf spoke to us in a CES Fireside broadcast. For him, and his words, I am so very grateful. For some strange reason, whenever it is mentioned that some may not marry in this lifetime, my ears perk up. I think it is because I am utterly afraid that will be my reality. I am one of the ones he described as wanting a family, to me a wife and mother, more than anything. I hope it will come in this life. I got this feeling too that this is not the place I am to meet him if it is to happen. I don't know where I should go and I don't know when, but I do believe if I am to marry in this life I will not meet him here in Kansas.
I am grateful for the blessings and guidance that comes from Fasting. I will continue on in my endeavor to seek out which educational path is going to be the best for me, but today I felt prompted to seek more into the educational career. I have such a love for children and helping them learn things is so exciting! I need to be more prayerful in this choice though. While I feel it is the right way to go, I need more guidance.
I am grateful for the Lord and his glorious gospel. I believe it is true and I know that someday I will have a full testimony of it. Of some principles I have had a personal witness, others, I still need work on. But it is a work I am anxious to be engaged in. I am so thrilled to be a member of this Church. It has saved my life.

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