Friday, February 5, 2010


I had the opportunity to attend the first temple trip of the year for our branch. It was amazing. I was thrilled to have work work out so perfectly. (Thanks Mom for taking my hours!) I woke up this morning knowing that today was going to be a good day, temple trip days always are. I went to school, completely forgetting that I had a quiz in history (luckily it was a bonus quiz and could not be harmful to my grade.) I think I did well on it. Afterwards was philosophy which is always an interesting thing to ponder on; the different ways people think and how they justify their actions. Right after class was out I went to go pick up Dad from work and take him home. We got some lunch at Subway first - delicious toasted tuscan chicken sandwich! While eating I learned that Pres. Beeson had asked Dad to come along on the Temple Trip to accompany him since Sis. Beeson was busy! I was super excited because this was the first time that I had ever gone to the Temple with my Dad! In fact, Today, I had more family in the temple at one time than I can remember, ever! Joseph, Michael, Dad, & I were all there! Just missing Mom, and Aaron and Jacob. I would really really love, and cannot wait for that day, when I can have my whole family there at the Temple with me.
After changing into my jumper I was sitting on a pew waiting and saw Dad in his Temple clothes. I got teary eyed and had to focus really hard not to break down. I love my Dad SO MUCH!! Seeing him like that made me realize how very soon we might be losing him and how hard that is going to be. I know he'll look exactly like he did today and I will know him. I do not cry because of the sadness, that is a part, but rather I cry because I know, without a doubt, that I will be able to see him again and that our family is forever. I am grateful and they are tears of gratitute to a loving Heavenly Father to give us the marvelous blessing of eternal families. Last time we went with the 7th ward and Joe baptized me I had the same feeling - not as strong, but still there. After we were all done and changed, walking out to the car I held my father's hand and just walked with him. I tried to tell him how I had felt, but felt choked up, ready to burst into tears again. I AM SO GRATEFUL FOR MY FAMILY!! (both earthly & heavenly)

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