Wednesday, February 24, 2010


I wish I understood life better. I understand the basic Plan of life and how it is supposed to work, but I sometimes wish I knew for certain things that would happen. I am working towards becoming a better individual. I want to lose some weight and be healthier, while at the same time I get these "munchy munchy" feelings!! I am not strong enough (at least was not tonight) to not go raid the stash of goodies in mom's desk. I want to improve my outward appearance to be more attractive. Mom said "You have so much love to give." It's true. She wants me to focus this year on finding a guy. I kind of do too. After she said that, I didn't want another puppy. It was just a substitute, something to focus my extra love and attention on. I should focus that love on attention on myself and put more effort into improving myself. I've started using teeth whitening strips to help brighten up my smile - also gets me to brush more than once a day. (Hey, I don't have bad breath, but this makes me brush before bed!) I did buy a bunch of frozen meals - mostly lean cuisine and the like to have as dinner at work because it's cheaper than buying food there and generally healthier; smaller portions and not fried! I broke down and ate there today before work started. I need more healthy snacks to carry around with me to much on when I do get snacky. I want to go get my hair done so that it looks better too. I cannot wait to get my new shoes so I can be a knock out in my new dress! I think it is a super cute dress. I'm really excited about Stake Conference! Awesome Saturday evening session (ugh, going to have to see if I can get off work or not trade my whole shift on Tuesday) and then the special meeting on Sunday morning, then general session, then the CES broadcast that evening with a potluck! Such a busy day, but going to be overfed spiritually! AMAZING! I've been trying to be more active in the planning of Relief Society activities and the like. I really need to talk with Jess about her calling. If she's not up to it than I need to find someone who is. I never see her take role and I need that in a secretary. Plus, we badly need to have a presidency meeting... Lots to think about. Tomorrow, during my downtime between school and work I am going to go to Dillons, pick up Nana's other prescription (hopefully she called and fixed the issue with it) and get some superglue and good snacks- use the glue to put the plastic pieces back on my car, clean out my car ENTIRELY!! Nothing in it but the ice scraper and paperwork, vacuum it and possibly take it to get washed. I really need to catch up on homework too!! I'm especially behind in my Intro to the Profession class :( I'm excited that I have found a new friend out of that class. Ryan seems like a really nice guy, but I'm not quite sure he's straight.... LOL - Good thing this is my personal blog and no one will ever read that! I'm not being judgemental, but it is not clear cut with him. Oh well! I could care less either way. Well, almost 2 am and time to get some sleep before Geography in the morning! Gotta prep for another map test soon too! Goodnight self! Be positive and remember your goals in life!

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