Monday, June 28, 2010


Missionaries have to my some of my favorite people in the whole world!
When I got home tonight a letter was waiting for me from Sister Nickelle Reid and I was so excited I shrieked! I then was too hopped up on happy even to write her back, so Ashley commandeered the laptop and wrote in a mini letter to her inside of mine! She's doing well and I am so glad that she is where she is! She leaves the MTC in a little over a week and then will be out doing the work! How super exciting! I wrote her a super long letter. I hope it wasn't too long!
The Elders in our branch right now are Amazing! Elder Hanson was pretty awesome, but he's since gone home and is now just Jay. In his place we got Elder Whitworth. He's a pretty nice guy from Provo, UT. Yeah, I know, I couldn't help but laugh either. LOL, when he said it in Sunday School the whole room just laughed; it was amazing! We love our U-tard Elders!! There was a different Elder with Elder Riley when they came over for dinner two Saturdays ago, Elder Nester. He also was from Provo, UT, but he had serious Utah pride and did not find Ashley and I's mocking to be very humorous. He even called us jerks :P It will be so much fun to see him again! I should probably make cookies and drop them by their apartment to show I bear no ill will towards the poor boy. Hands down, Elder Riley is my favorite though. I've always said that Heavenly Father makes men much hotter when their Elders. They're like forbidden fruit! LOL, if that doesn't already tell you what I think about him! Ha! I'm going to hades for this! Oh well, we're totally appropriate, just teasing and making him blush occasionally. It's super fun and I hope he gets to stay in our area for a very long time! Maybe until he goes home (in October I think?) Oh well.
Just thought I'd share my joy when thinking about Missionaries!!

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