Sunday, June 13, 2010

Rain Storms and Revelations

Today's lesson in Relief Society was "The Life of Christ." Sarah asked a question of what about Christ's life did we like or what about it influenced us. I shared that I desire to see others as Christ sees them, to look at them and see through all the worldly outer coverings, labels, and hang-ups and see them for who they truly are; children of God. To see their weaknesses, flaws, and fears and know how to succor them. To truly care for and love them the way He did. It is true, I often think how very different my perspective on life would be if I could see my brothers and sisters the way He did. Later on during sacrament, while the prayer was being said and the bread passed I had a thought that brought me nearly to tears. I was thinking about how I desired to see people that way and saying a little prayer that I might endeavor more faithfully to do so when I was struck with the thought of seeing myself through His eyes. I do not believe that I have ever desired to see myself through His eyes, not that I do not know that He sees me that way too, but I do not see myself that way. I do not look in the mirror and see myself with eyes that see the flaws and then sees past them to just love unconditionally the individual looking back. How am I to love others and ask to see others in the way I desire if I cannot see myself that way? I have much to work on within myself, but I know that with the love of Christ in my life I will be okay, and as a wise friend once told me, getting to be "okay" is hard work; I look forward to it.
In other news, my sweet puppy has been given away. I posted on Facebook about my situation needing to find her a home and a co-worker volunteered to take her. It was so hard and I broke down a couple of times. My brother Jacob was an excellent listener as I wept on the phone about how heartbroken I was right after my co-worker drove off with her. I found out just a day or two later that he is not able to keep her because his landlord accused her of being a dangerous breed. Thankfully he will not be giving her back because I could not take giving her away again. I have hang ups about it though because I will have no control over who she goes home to and I will not know if she will be cared for. Oh well, I trust that she will be loved and cared for.
After church today we went out to dinner with Uncle Walt. He is the exact same character he's always been.
I came home after dinner and was feeling slightly melancholy. I sat on the floor near the kitchen door and watched the lightning flash and the fireflies flick in and out of sight. It was very nice. It then started raining so I decided to go sit on the front porch. As I sat there getting rained on I just thought, but my mind did not come upon any solid thought, it just kind of drifted. I decided, after sitting there for a while and getting fairly wet on the front side of myself, to walk around the front part of the house to the side to go in through the garage so as not to traipse water all across the house. In short order I was completely soaked. I came inside and changed. Ashley came home and wanted to go puddle jumping. So here I go again.

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