Sunday, July 7, 2013

Big house... not a lot of space

So, I now have roommates. Four them to be exact. In the past I have had roommates, but only one at a time. This is just weird for me. When you share a house/apartment with just one other person, it is fairly simple to divide the available space between you both. When sharing between five it becomes complicated - especially if you're the last person to arrive. You are basically delegated space to use as your own. Normally I would be fine with this - if the space "given" me was actually respected and left as my own. I was only given one space in the fridge and all I want is for that shelf to be empty of anyone's stuff but my own... yet it is not... and just today I found out that a roommate had squished my cake leftovers with a mixing bowl she stuck in my cake pan on my shelf. Begin the grumbling and annoyance. 
Here I am torn and therefore at an impasse - because I, the great garbage-bagger that I am, will not do anything to make anyone mad, but I won't say anything about it to them either. I will just politely deal with it and eventually I'm sure my tiny shelf will be overwhelmed. Sigh. I want to just move all of their stuff of my shelf and tell them that they need to be more organized, but I do not want to make them mad at me or offend them by doing so. I just wish they would be more respectful. So I'm stuck. I know my parents' advice; Just talk to them, let them know of your concerns, but in a kind manner. Sigh. I don't even want to broach the subject. I just want them to be more mindful of their actions. 
So that is my qualm for today. I  just don't know how to live with other people other than my family. Oh well. Guess I'm stuck like this for a while. 

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