Sunday, June 5, 2011

Circle Time!

So, I dropped the ball in RS today and did not have a lesson planned. With Katie out of town I know nothing about lessons. Anyway - what we ended up doing was putting our chairs around in a circle. First we went around and said our names and Jenna, being the keen cookie she is, fired a question at each person - random fun things! That was nice. I then opened it up to the sisters to ask what they wanted to talk about - seems cliche, but marriage was the topic of choice.
We all said the first word that popped into our minds when we thought of marriage (love, family, kids, hard, awkward, want!, eternal, temples, ect.) Then we heard from our experts - sisters Hairr & Beeson- about their experiences a little bit. We talked about some of the fears and questions we have about marriage - what do we do when our spouse dies young, how do I know it's the right guy and I'm not making a mistake? Good solid questions.
It was really nice to see the sisters all talking to each other and being involved! It was unorthodox, but it worked today! Yay!

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