Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Odd Man Out.....

Being the only girl amongst my siblings, I often find myself either grouped in with the boys, treated as some other species, or forgotten about. I'm not sure I really prefer any of their methods of "categorizing" me. I am not some object that needs to be put in a place and identified. I am Taylor. I started a sentence and just erased it because it was so cliche it scared even me. But, there is some truth to it, so why not. I am a sister, a daughter, a friend, a school bus driver, a Relief Society sister & President, a member of the Institute Council (for now anyway), a "Mormon"... I can't really think of anything else right now, but I am sure there is more... I sure hope there is. I want to be so much more; a wife, a mother, an aunt, a grandmother, a missionary's mother, a missionary... and so many other things.
But right now, it just seems I am the odd man out - probably because I am not a man. I don't want to "hang with the boys" and talk about, let alone listen to them talk about, all their suggestively dirty jokes and rumors. I just want to do the work that I am assigned to do, have a good time doing it, and actually learn stuff. I hope tomorrow is going to be better on that front. I can handle Charles and Chris alone because those two together are not the buddy-chummy-let's talk like guys- types. But put Jason and Charles together and I'm all alone because then it's a boys club.
Well, I better get to bed or my goal of six and a half hours sleep is going to fade rapidly down to less than six!
Goodnight self. Dream well. Live better!

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