Monday, November 15, 2010

A Clean Room Goes A Long Way...

Today I endeavored to clean both my car and my room in an attempt to clean my life up a little. I'm not down into anything truly dirty or nitty gritty, but I do desire to make the spaces I dwell in more inviting to the Spirit and inspiring of peace. I am almost satisfied with my room, still some clean clothes to put away (more coming out of the dryer hourly), some movies to categorize, some boxes to get rid of, and some odds and ends that either need hanging our placing around the room. The car is good, however I would still like to vacuum it and wipe down the interior of all the dust that it collects, also an air freshener would be lovely.
I am going to be attempting to be more Christlike and either though he was born in a barn, pardon the bad parenting joke, His house is immaculate and I would like nothing more than to feel the same peace of mind and soul that I feel there in my own home. I shall endeavor to be more engaged in good works such as reading my scriptures, reading my manuals to discover helps for my calling, and listening to talks and broadcasts while I pursue worthwhile activities such as crocheting that blanket for Aaron and writing in this journal.
I am still very excited for the opportunity to see Elder Scott this Friday and spend all day in the Temple on my birthday!

---Because it is noteworthy to mention, however sad; Sister Kincaid, the wife of our branch's high council representative, passed away suddenly this past Saturday evening after a day of service in the Temple. She and Brother Kincaid were temple workers multiple times a month. She was a wonderful woman who always contributed so positively to discussions in Relief Society and she will be sorely missed.

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