Friday, November 12, 2010

Troubles Lately..

So, I have a lot of stress/anxiety and anger issues. My fuse has apparently shortened tremendously and I am, of late, unable to keep my bitter tongue under wraps. Every word that comes dripping off of it is as bitter and harsh as a cold winter wind. The amount of negativity that flows forward in my tone is overwhelmingly disturbing because it is all people, my family, say they hear out of me. Living at home is not easy after you've been out for almost 3 years... even living across town. I also am having issues being around large groups of people because I start to feel very conscious of everything and rather anxious. Not always, like I'm fine sitting in our FHE group, or in church classes, but not in Sacrament or while in Institute. It's super weird though because I especially have a hard time around my family. They seem to entice my brain into yelling at itself with all these negative thoughts and insecurities. It should be like that around family. I have lost my place to feel unconditional love from anyone but the Savior, luckily that carries with me in my heart as long as I have faith in it. I wish I would get better.

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