Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Hurts so much...

It hurts so much to feel this way; so angry and full of ill will. I don't like snapping like that and I don't know why I let things get to me so easily. I feel like so much pressure is put on me that I just explode when the tiniest crack is made. The only problem with that is that I'm the one who is mentally pressuring myself and thinking that everyone else is and I'm the one who is allowing myself to crack. I just feel so hopeless, scared, and lost when this happens. All I want to do is run away to a place where I am all by myself and cannot be like this to people. I mean, what is happening to me? I had to sit out of Sacrament the other day because I was just feeling so claustrophobic and anxious. I don't like it. I don't like it at all. I feel like it is a terrible bruise that I just don't want anyone to see or prod. Balm of Gilead? Definitely. I'm pretty sure that right now He is the only one who knows exactly what I'm feeling right now and the only one who will listen to me and not offer suggestions on how to fix it right away, but let me figure it out with His guidance. I'm grateful for that. Baby steps. But right now, I just want to fold my laundry and go to bed.

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