Sunday, November 21, 2010


So, all of my siblings were in sacrament with me this week! It was awesome! If only my parents had been there it would have been the whole family!!! Next week maybe because Jacob is giving a talk and mom and dad said they would be there and that is why Joe & Sarah were there this week because they got the date mixed up. It was so nice though, even though we didn't all sit together. I am so grateful for the chances I do get to see people on Sundays though and for all the happiness they bring to my life. I am grateful for my calling and the opportunities it gives it me to look beyond myself and see and help others, although I fear I do not do it often enough still. I was super excited to sit down with Pres. Beeson today and talk. He kind of made me feel better about my craziness and anxiety. It was helpful, and I had no idea that he was able to see my frustrations so clearly - talk about inspiration. We had a great object lesson today about the Holy Ghost in Relief Society and then talked about the Gathering of Israel in Gospel Principles - both extraordinary! Then in sacrament Rebekah and Katie spoke about gratitude in their lives and Nate spoke on how the Refirmation paved the way for the Restoration. It was incredibly deep and insightful. I know that he has a wonderfully deep connection with the Spirit and I pray that someday I may be as eloquent when speaking through the Spirit.
After church was our Relief Society planning meeting and we hammered out some more details for the dance. I am super excited for Dec. 8th - we are going to meet up and have lunch at Fazzoli's before going shopping at Sam's for our food stuffs! It will be marvelous!
For dinner we had frito chili pie which was great and then my parents gave me my birthday cake which was Red Velvet Cheesecake from The Cheesecake Factory (via Sam's)!! It was great! I am thankful to my parents for wanting to make me feel special for my birthday. I just wish they didn't think that I was running away yesterday, it actually frustrates me that they do. I really just wanted to have that time to myself. Perhaps that is running away, but I needed to be in the temple yesterday. It was a marvelous experience for me. I then played speed scrabble with Sarah, Joe, Mom, Michael, and Sarah's friend Geneva who is a linguist and just got out of a four year teaching stint at the MTC! Pretty sweet! It was a lot of fun and I even won twice! Yay! I then went downstairs and watched "Holiday in Handcuffs" cute little movie with Melissa Joan Hart and that cute guy who played Slater on "Saved By The Bell." Then the boys invaded and wanted to play Smash Bros, so I retired here!
All in all a good day! Only two days of work this week and then Thanksgiving! I can't wait until Turkey bowl and am super excited to see Tangled on Wednesday! Hooray for holidays & family!

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