Saturday, April 9, 2011

You've Not Got Mail.....

So, watching "You've Got Mail" always gets me in the mood to have a unknown pen pal. I dare not wander into some random chat room, or even because so many of the people out there are such freaks and I wouldn't trust myself to stay good. However, I would love to have someone to write letters too. Oh Wait!! I just remembered that I need to write Grant Anderson a letter since he wrote me! I hope I still have his letter and it didn't get washed away with my pay stub that I left in my jeans pocket. Uh oh! He wanted address of a few people - Pres. Beeson, Casie Jones, and a few others who I cannot remember off the top of my head. I hope I can find it...
I just felt like blogging tonight. I love watching this movie - and coincidence of all coincidences... Jackie Balzer (granddaughter to my nana's sister Betty) also is watching this movie at the same time I am and likes Daisies because of this movie too!! Even if i could just text someone constantly again that would be nice... Sigh.. I so badly need a boyfriend (she sighs as the pile of laundry she has folded tumbles to the side.)

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