Thursday, October 22, 2009

If not, I have failed indeed....

I was listening to President Monson's talk today about good works. It impressed upon me greatly the importance of charity and love towards our fellowman. When he spoke about all the letters, books, cards, and records of the good works people had done in fulfillment of his wish made me tear up and want to cry. I was filled with the "warm fuzzies" even though I was just listening to the recounting of these marvelous works.
I love the opportunity to serve. Tonight I was the last minute sitter to the children of a man from work who needed to attend a conference about his medical condition and some updates about a hope for a cure. It was awesome watching these little souls. They were precious! They thought I was a parent just because I knew so many shows :) I just told them I was just a really big kid!
I cannot wait until we are able to do the service project November 7th with the Salvation Army and I really hope we can pull something together for Institute!! Speaking of... I am SO excited about our super-secret activity at the end of the semester! The service project in Omaha, NE was amazing! We had so much fun laying down the wood chips in the path for their corn maze!
I am seriously considering having a "good works" moment for a week instead of a missionary moment one Sunday in Relief Society. I would warn the sisters the week before, but I just think it would be superb to get to share some of the good works the sisters had done throughout the week or even month! I want to do it after sharing President Monson's talk. It was just SO touching! I want to be more in the service of my God by serving my fellow being.

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