Wednesday, October 21, 2009

MmmMmm Tasty!!

As I sit here enjoying my delicious Lean Cuisine French Bread Pizza I was relishing all the other tasty things I had partaken of this day. I was able to feast on the words of a few Apostles of the Lord and some other Church leaders.
I made a kind of pact with myself that I would not listen to the radio any more while in my car. I was going to download all the podcasts of General Conference and listen to them instead; and I did!
So now when I leave home in the morning, being it school or work bound, I gratefully enjoy the words of these wise people. I was able to listen to Elder L. Tom Perry who spoke on The Past Way of Facing the Future. He spoke lovingly of the Manti, UT temple and the Logan, UT temple. The dedication of the pioneers and early saints is an inspiration to us. They were faithful in following the counsels of the Prophet whenever it came to picking up and starting over again. Especially how the early saints who had lived in Manti had been promised by President Kimball a temple. They were so anxious that they started building it! They were so were dedicated!! Makes me want to build a temple!!
Next I was able to hear from Bishop H. David Burton who spoke about "Let Virtue Garnish Thy Thoughts Unceasingly" He mentioned how as a child he had troubles memorizing the Thirteenth Article of Faith - I actually found this one to be one of the easiest, mainly becuase it was so long and I love a memorization challenge! He speaks of virtue and how so many virtues end in -ITY, which he refers to as the ITY virtues; charity, chastity, civility, humility, fidelity, ect. He said "We need not be a part of the virtue malaise that is penetrating and infecting society." This is amazing! The loss of virtue in the world is a disease! It's a plague!! I could not agree more! I shake my head in sadness and unbelief when I see some examples of it in the world.
The Choir then sang "How Firm A Foundation." I absolutely LOVE hearing the Tabernacle Choir sing. They are so amazingly balanced. I sang along in the car to this one. It was after school was over and I was on my way to the hospital to visit Steph.
While still on the way to the hospital, and while trying to figure out where to park there (crazy confusing!) I was able to hear from Sister Ann M. Dibb (daughter of the Prophet Thomas S. Monson I found out by listening to this talk - because I don't just know these things). She gave a marvelous talk about how we have all the safety equipment necessary to return home to our Heavenly Father, but we sometimes choose not to use it. It is a powerful message. We are given the tools we need! Prayer! Scriptures! Prophets! Family! Church! Sacrament! AND THE LIST GOES ON!!! We must have like the biggest tool belt ever, but each one is so essential! We are temples and each tool helps to carve our beautiful exterior.
The last talk I was blessed to listen to was by Elder Russel M. Nelson who spoke on prayer and personal revelation. He spoke on how important it is to have Faith. How we must have real intent, intent to really intend to follow the direction given. So powerful, how often do we pray and then put aside the counsels of the Lord?! Crazy?! He spoke how leaders need to display good virtues such as faith, charity, love, and hope in order to receive revelation for those whom we have charge over. It brought much to my mind, such as choosing a new counselor and secretary. I wish I did not have to change anything! He also spoke about how "The change from being a natural man to a devoted disciple is a mighty one." TOO TRUE!!! It is extremely hard to fully put off the natural man because it is so "natural" to be natural.
To finish off this daily feast I was joyed to hear one of my favorite Primary songs "Love is Spoken Here." The Choir performed it masterfully and were so perfectly balanced. I absolutely love, Love, LOVE that song and to hear it done so beautifully is just awe-inspiring! The pefect way to end the day.
Now I admit, I re-listened to parts of the talks to remind myself how to say things right and to get their titles, so I kind of had a little after-dinner snack! But so worth it. I cannot wait to listen to the rest of them.!!! Bon Apetit!

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