Monday, October 26, 2009

A Mighty Change of Heart

The Lord promised, "A new heart... will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you." That spiritual surgery, like in the body, may cause you pain and require a change in habits and conduct. But in both cases, recovery brings renewed life and peace of mind.

I found that online while searching for "heart" statements in both the scriptures and talks given. I want to prepare little pill bottles full of these sayings and give them to the sisters to use as "medicine" for their changed hearts, that when taken regularly, their new hearts will not be rejected and will not turn stony again. I am so very excited about this lesson. I absolutely love the conference talks that I have found about the new hear the Lord promised us. I know that if mine has not yet been fully transplanted it is on it's way, despite my old heart not giving way fully yet. It was said somewhere that the old heart must break first in order to make room for the new one. I believe this fully - a broken heart and a contrite spirit is what is required of us and the Lord will provide the new one for us. I am loving this topic!!

I also really, really want to give the lesson about President Monson's talk about the "warm fuzzies" and give each sister a little jam jar and bag of colorful cotton balls so that they can fill their own jar of warm fuzzies whenever they complete an action of goodwill towards others - as a sweet visual reminder. I was so touched by all the stories told by President Monson that he and his wife read in the numerous letters sent to him. I want to inspire the sisters to live their lives likewise, and for mine to be an example unto them. I am so excited to share this with the sisters!!

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