Saturday, October 24, 2009

Love thyself....

I feel the need to have someone else appreciate me. I feel bad in this somewhat because it's kind of like screaming "look at me! look at me!" But I don't want everyone to look at me... I just want someone to look at me. Right now, that someone is no one in particular because there is none available, but oh well...
I like who I am as a person. Kind of. I don't want to just go focusing on the negatives here because I don't want to seem down on myself, but I also don't want to go focusing just on the positives. I know I am a daughter of God. I know that I am worth so much to Him and that He loves me so much. I just get down on myself because I feel very alone. I know I should not need a man to justify my life and my worth, BUT it is very nice to be appreciated by someone who loves you.
I hate church dances because of this very reason. They always make me feel alone as I sit back by myself. I watch all the other girls get asked to dance and sit there watching them all dance. I probably put off some vibe that I don't want to be asked to dance, but Honestly, what girl doesn't want to be asked to dance? SIGH..... I shouldn't go on about this. Stopping.
Tomorrow is Sunday and oh what a glorious busy day. Branch Council/Welfare meeting, then church, then home teaching, choir, and Branch Devotional! Yay! Busy busy day! I just hope that I'm in a good mood a spirit for tomorrow. Pray for me.

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