Saturday, May 14, 2011

Best Weekend! Part 1

This weekend was pure BLISS!!
Friday: No work in the morning because I have the entire day off!! YAY! Sarah gets off work in the morning, our bags are packed and we (Mom, Sarah, Vickey Beeson, and I) are on our way to OKC for Time Out For Women! The car ride down went well and was full of good conversation! We had lunch at The Cheesecake Factory - which I was so grateful that we went there because I had only mentioned to my mom how much I wanted to eat there and she made it happen!! I had some absolutely fabulous tomato basil pasta with fresh mozzarella and chicken in it and their blueberry white chocolate truffle cheesecake! Amazing food! Then we went to our hotel, the Biltmore, and laid down for a few minutes. Sarah passed out - poor thing! We only dozed for about 10 minutes and then we all went swimming in the hotel pool. It was so much fun! I dunked mom at least 3 times - I mean I had to! No one was there to dunk me! LOL!! It was pure brilliance when Sarah and I both tried to take her down and we couldn't! We were all so silly! After swimming we got showered and dressed and went to the OKC Convention Center for the Friday night events! It was SO crowded with women! There were vendors selling snacks of all kind and after I went and bought mom some almonds to keep her blood sugar up, I was having a serious panic/anxiety issue, so I traded seats with Sarah and it worked out just fine.
T.O.F.W. started with some amazing words by Virginia Pearce. She spoke of Eliza R. Snow and her life and how much she admired her and how much we can learn from her. She spoke of her mother - Sister Hinckley, and how much she learned from her and valued the lessons she taught her. It was a wonderful presentation. After Sister Pearce there was a musical presentation by Macy Robinson - which is on CD entitled "Children Will Listen" - it was all about her mother and her life and how things worked out because of the things she had heard and seen her mother say and do. She was such an inspiration! Her voice had a very theatrical tone to her and her songs were sometimes very whimsical and funny! I enjoyed it thoroughly! Her performance was actually broken up into two parts - before and after a break/other speaker, but it was fabulous in its entirety! The other speaker that evening was Emily Watts - she was amazing! She talked about girls camp and related how if we all feel so much better about ourselves when we accomplish those things that are hard! She was so fun to listen to! Macy sang a closing song and then it was over. We went back to our hotel room after grabbing some Sonic for dinner. We played two games of Rummikub and then, at a little after midnight - put ourselves to bed. It was such a fun day!

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